Blog Archives - 16 Record(s)

Year: '2013'

How To Take Over Star Wars - cf.Objective() 2013 Lightning Talk

Category cfObjective, Lightning Talks, Star Wars

So the grandiose Disney Corporation has purchased Lucasfilm ltd. and plans on making a new set of Star Wars movies.  It's almost enough to make even the casual Star Wars fan cry. However, much like how they handled the assimilation of the Marvel universe (by putting Joss Whedon over it), Disney has made a surprisingly good move: they hired J.J. Abrams to take Star Wars into tomorrow...

Using ColdBox Flash RAM

Category ColdBox

Flash RAM is a handy tool in the ColdBox Framework that can easily be used to temporarily store the RC (request collection) data forward one request.  As I was using the Flash RAM feature recently, I ran into trouble while attempting to persist the form data back to the original form when a validation error had occurred.

How To Be a Good Open Source Citizen Slides

Category Presentations

Thanks to everyone who came out to my presentation today on How To Be a Good Open Source Citizen.  I hope you learned a ton and are excited to start moving from a consumer to a contributor.  I, as a good citizen in training, have my slide deck out on GitHub.

You can find the code for it at or you can just view the presentation online at

PartyBox Hackathon at CFObjective 2013

Category cfObjective, ColdBox, ContentBox, News

Ortus Solutions and Computer Know How are co-sponsoring our first ever *BOX Party Hackathon at this year's CFObjective 2013.  We will be hacking and parting it up at the FireLake Grill in the conference hotel.  We will be holding a mini-Hackathon with some great prizes given out at the end including some throw back 80's prizes and some cool Nerf prizes.  Even if you aren't into ColdBox yet, drop by and hang out.  

WHEN: Friday May 17th, 2013 at 6:00 PM

WHERE: FireLake Grill House & Cocktail Bar inside the Radisson Blu Hotel.  Head to the back, you'll find us!!

New ContentBox Widget - File Listing

Category ContentBox, FileListing, Releases

We have created a new widget for you to use to list files under the ContentBox media root called "File Listing".

Imagine if you needed to list all the pdf's in a folder, this would be the widget for you.

Forgebox Link:

GitHub Link:


Updated ContentBox FormBuilder!

Category ContentBox, FormBuilder, Releases

The ContentBox FormBuilder module has now been updated a great deal from its original 0.1 initial release to version 1.0.  The new version fixes a significant number of bugs as well as adds reCAPTCHA and style/container hooks to the settings screen.

So what is FormBuilder? FormBuilder is a ContentBox Module that will enable form building capabilities in your applications.  You can select from text, textarea, dropdown, checkbox, radio, etc.

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